professional artificial turf manufacturer. Mighty Turf Grass is one ofthe oldest synthetic turf grass manufacturers and a leadingdesigner and producer in the artificial grass industry. Our productsare widely used in residential, commercial, leisure, fitness venues, petsplaygrounds, sports, golf, etc. place. Mighty Turf Grass is one of the fewFlFA certified soccer turf suppliers. Currently, Mighty Turf Grass has a60,000m2 production base, 400 employees, and a R&D and qualityinspection team composed of 68 engineers. in addition, we can proudlysay that we have the only 100% recyclable artificial grass production line in the world, with a daily production capacity of20,000m2.
An organized artificial grass distributor. in order to better serve ourcustomers and shorten the delivery time and service distance, Mighty
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